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Kyle Hilliam hands-in his PhD!

We are thrilled to announce that one of our brilliant PhD students, Kyle, has just submitted his thesis at Deakin University, titled "Predicting Marine Invasions for Optimised Management."
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Harnessing passive sampling and DNA extraction innovations for eDNA-based surveillance

A recent study explored new methods for marine surveillance using eDNA. The researchers compared traditional filtration methods with passive sampling and self-contained DNA extraction. Passive sampling using materials like artificial sponges and fishing nets showed similar results to active filtration in detecting fish diversity. The study suggests that passive sampling is a promising approach for eDNA monitoring and contribute to improving non-invasive monitoring techniques for marine environments.
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Experimental insights on effective eDNA/eRNA capture from seawater samples

An experimental study was conducted to test different filter membranes for capturing eDNA/eRNA in the context of cost/time effort and cell fractions encountered in nature. For the first time a formal efficiency modelling was applied in eDNA and eRNA research to assist decision-making around an optimized sampling approach.
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Where do mussels like to call home?

To find out what features of the reef attract mussels, we dropped baby green-lipped mussels on several types of 3D printed tiles representing rocky reef structures in seawater tanks and saw where they went. This experiment will help us designing eco-engineered structures that would give this native species a competitive advantage over invasive species on artificial structures.
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