Last year over 700 boat owners who have non-trailered boats moored in marinas around Aotearoa…
Our PhD student Michelle Scriver presents her work at an international eDNA webinar
In the preparation for the first Australian & New Zealand Environmental DNA (eDNA) conference, which will take place in 2023 in Hobart (Australia) the conference organising committee set up a series of webinars. The webinars will provide a platform for the Aus/NZ eDNA community to stay up to date on exciting new developments, discuss research and foster connections in an informal setting.
The first webinar featured our own PhD student Michelle Scriver. Michelle has presented a talk on her recent experimental study “Investigating environmental DNA & RNA fate for biosecurity applications: A case study using the Mediterranean fanworm Sabella spallanzanii“. The presentation was very well received by the audience (~60 researchers from Australia and New Zealand) and triggered interesting discussion.
The recording of the webinar and Michelle’s presentation can be viewed below.
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